TheTrucking Register is an exhaustive list that includes freight transport companies in the country. It is seen as a useful legal tool to combat illegal cabotage and protect competition between competitors. Trucking registration involves payment of fees that depend on the number of vehicles the company in question owns and uses annually to transport goods.
According to the provisions of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, companies that intend to engage in the transportation of goods by road must register in the provincial register of haulers of goods for third parties held at the Civil Motorization Office with territorial jurisdiction with respect to the company’s main/unique office. Registration in the trucking register consists of submitting a special application ,based on the type of load, which is divided into the following categories: registration for activities with vehicles with a total laden mass up to 1.5, registration for activities with vehicles with a total laden mass greater than 1.5 t. And up to 3.5 t. Registration for activities with vehicles with a gross laden mass exceeding 3.5 t.
Le cooperatives/consortia Who intend to engage in the business of transporting goods for hire or reward by road must register To the provincial register of haulers of goods for hire or reward held at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles competent territory with respect to the main/unique seat of the enterprise and submitting the appropriate application accompanied by certain attachments on the official website of the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility.
Registration in the provincial register of haulers of goods for hire or reward also involves proof of financial capacity in some cases. As the law stipulates, there must be adequate assurance that the enterprise succeeds in meeting the financial obligations that arise during its operations. Financial security is demonstrable through auditor-certified annual accounts through equity of at least 9,000 euros for the first motor vehicle and 5,000 euros for each additional vehicle.
How to pay the Register of Road Haulers 2021 fee?
Through the resolution no. 5 of October 21, 2020 The amount of the annual contribution to be paid by companies registered in the National Road Haulers’ Register pursuant to and in accordance with Art.Article 63 of Law no. 298 of 1974, By the year 2021. The share to be paid in 2021 was calculated based on the vehicle fleet of enterprises surveyed as of October 26, 2020.
Payment of the fee is to be made exclusively through the special application “Payment of Dues” of the Road Haulers’ Register Portal that can be reached at To do so, it is then necessary to log on to the Roll Portal, log in with one’s credentials, view the specific amount to be paid, and proceed to payment.
The fee can be paid
– Directly online: through the special “Dues Payment” service on this portal where it will be possible to pay by Visa credit card, Mastercard, PostePay prepaid card or Poste Pay Impresa, BancoPosta online bank account.
- with previously filled out paper postal bulletin that is automatically generated by the system with the amount due for the year 2021 and any previous years, which the user must pay at any Post Office. Even in the case of payment by paper postal bulletin, the payment details will be automatically transferred to the Register Portal without any other charge to the company.
Enterprises registered in the autonomous province of Bolzano should make payment only to the bank account in the name of the autonomous province of Bolzano.
How to access the portal
Since May 16, 2016, the new portal of the National Road Haulage Register has been active. Once registered, credentials to access the Portal on the official website of the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructure and Transportation are valid for six months. Already registered companies for which the access credentials have expired or which, after the first access, have not changed, as is mandatory, the password generated and sent by the computer system, or which have still lost their previous credentials, may request new access credentials by sending an email to in which they must indicate their roll number, registration number, a non-PEC email address and a telephone number.
Any other requests for technical assistance may still be sent to the same address,, taking care to specify the registration number, matriculation number, a non-PEC email address and a telephone number as well as, where possible, a picture or description of the error reported by the system.